Tag: foliage
Summer’s End
Tomorrow’s autumnal equinox marks the official end of summer and the beginning of the beautiful fall season here in Maine. Autumn in New England always seems like a time for reflection after a hedonistic summer of swimming, boating, hiking, and yes, lots of lobsters and pina coladas on the deck. Today I’m thinking about the ways in which the changing seasons reflect the seasons of our lives — spring, with its youthful promise; summer, when nature, and often our lives, reach their peak of beauty and activity; fall, when it’s dark by 3:30 PM, encouraging concentration on everything we need to accomplish; and winter, when life slows down–at least after the holidays–giving us a couple of months to focus on major projects and prepare for when the cycle of life begins again with the first crocus poking through the earth and the first robin sighting. It would be impossible for someone like me, with 12 generations of New England blood flowing through her veins, to live someplace where the seasons didn’t change.
But enough contemplation! Fall is terrific in Maine and the leaves are changing rapidly in the northern part of the state–about 1/3 of the way toward their peak color in Aroostook, Piscataquis, and Somerset Counties. Follow the leaf-changing process or sign up for a weekly update through at least Oct. 17 at MaineFoliage.com.
At parksandlands.com you can learn about Ranger-led foliage hikes and canoe/kayak paddles at historic sites and state parks. And coming right up on Sept. 28-30, check out the more than 60 events and activities planned for the Great Maine Outdoor Weekend, including hikes, canoe trips, trail walks, and bike rides at greatmaineoutdoorweekend.org.
For lots more information about fall in Maine and all there is to do, go to visitmaine.com.
Sorry, no photos this time. I’ve been busy at home with assignments, but will soon be out enjoying the foliage and sharing some pictures with you. Meanwhile, enjoy the scarlet and golden days of autumn.