It’s been a long time since my last post. July found me on a long cruise along the New England coast while savoring beautiful weather all the way. Here on my small Maine island, summer is at its peak with late flowers in bloom and gorgeous, breeze-filled days to enjoy. Very soon, things will begin to change as summer visitors head back to their permanent homes and our little village reverts back to the 100 or so of us who live here throughout the year. And shortly thereafter, fall will arrive.
But for now it’s time to savor all the best of a Maine summer and the lazy, sun-filled days of August. There are more lobsters to eat, more country fairs to attend, more boat rides to enjoy, and more swims to be swum. To step outside on an August morning like today’s is to understand why so many people vacation in Maine and sometimes decide to move here permanently. Whoever came up with the state slogan: “Maine: The Way Life Should Be” must have been thinking of a day just like this one!