Imagine having no set itinerary and simply sailing where the tides take you. Imagine relaxing day in and day out in your favorite comfortable clothes without a pair of high heels or a necktie in sight. Imagine bountiful meals of Maine comfort food and toothsome breads, rolls, and desserts all prepared in a wood-fired stove and oven. Imagine…well, you get the picture.
I’m just back from several days aboard the schooner Mary Day, currently celebrating 50 years of taking passengers sailing along the scenic coast of Maine. While on board, passengers can help hoist the sails, lend a hand in the kitchen, or — the favorite pastime of most — do nothing at all and simply watch the scenery go by (referred to by the crew as “upper-level management”).
Capt. Barry King sails in and out of small coves, stopping occasionally to allow the crew to row passengers into tiny villages to stretch their legs. Hardy souls swim off the boat while it’s at anchor, and in the evening there’s usually story-telling or a sing-along with Capt. King playing guitar and talented passengers trotting out their own musical instruments to join in.
Whether you choose a 3-night getaway or a week-long cruise, there’s always an authentic Maine lobster bake in a deserted cove — the highlight of every trip. Fall cruises can be spectacular and there’s still plenty of time to sign up — or consider an unforgettable summer vacation for 2013. Check out the Mary Day website at schoonermaryday.com.